Pregnancy Dental Care 101

August 31, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Oral Health — tntadmin @ 7:42 am

Good oral health is important for everyone, but it’s even more critical to take care of your teeth and gums when you’re expecting a baby. Hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect your dental health, especially when you’re battling with morning sickness and food cravings.

Here are some common dental problems you may face while pregnant:

  • Pregnancy Gingivitis – Increased levels of the hormone progesterone can cause your gums to react more aggressively to bacterial buildup (plaque) in your mouth. You may experience swelling, tenderness, redness or even bleeding gums, and gingivitis can turn into serious periodontal disease if it’s neglected.
  • Sensitive Teeth – If you’re snacking on sweet and acidic foods or vomiting frequently as a result of morning sickness, the enamel of your teeth can get eroded. This causes the dentine or pulp to get exposed, leading to sharp pain while eating hot or cold foods, sour or sweet items, and even brushing or flossing.
  • Tooth Decay – Bacterial buildup from food residue increases the chances of tooth decay, especially if you’re eating a lot of sugary or sour foods all day. Neglecting your oral hygiene can increase enamel erosion and tooth sensitivity, cause pain in the mouth and eventually even lead to cavities as well.

Dental problems you face during pregnancy can affect the health of your unborn child, raising the risk of premature birth and related complications. Periodontal disease is a particular danger, so make sure you follow a good oral care routine and get regular checkups throughout your pregnancy.

Dental Care Before Pregnancy

If you’re planning to have a baby, schedule a dental checkup as early as possible. This allows the dentist to clean your teeth, examine your gum tissue for signs of infection, and perform treatment before you actually get pregnant. Some dental procedures cannot be performed during pregnancy, so the earlier the better!

Dental Care During Pregnancy

It’s best not to get dental scaling done till the second trimester, but many routine procedures and some urgent ones can be performed as normal. Postpone all elective treatment until after you’ve delivered your baby, and keep the following tips in mind:

  • Schedule routine checkups regularly, and ask your dentist about any special precautions you need to take, as well as any special care they recommend during pregnancy.
  • Make sure to inform your dentist if you’re pregnant, and give them a list of any medication, prenatal supplements and nutritional changes recommended by your doctor.
  • It’s common for dental x-rays to be viewed with concern, but modern techniques and equipment ensure that both you and your baby will remain safe while these are performed.
  • Brush your teeth with a fluoridated toothpaste after every meal and floss at least once a day, to keep gum disease and tooth decay at bay. If you notice any issues, call your dentist for a checkup right away.
  • Avoid eating acidic or sugary foods that promote plaque buildup and cavities. Instead, try to reach for fresh fruit juices and crunchy vegetables when you’re craving a snack.
  • Don’t let your oral hygiene be affected as a result of morning sickness. If you feel sick while brushing your teeth, consider using an unflavored toothpaste, and rinse your mouth with clean water after vomiting.
  • Eat a balanced diet, and include a healthy dose of yogurt, cheese and other dairy products in it. These contain minerals that promote tooth, gum and bone health for both you and your baby.

Dental Care After Pregnancy

You should get a comprehensive dental exam soon after giving birth, so your dentist can check the health of your teeth and gums, as well as begin treatment for any issues that may be present. Whether you’re planning a baby or already pregnant, set up an appointment at Joshua Hong DDS, where an experienced dentist will ensure that both you and the baby get the best dental care possible!

The Unseen Implications of Losing Teeth

August 5, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Dental Implants and Dentures — tntadmin @ 10:53 am

Modern dentistry seeks to restore comfort, speech, aesthetics, normal functions as well as health to those individuals that have lost teeth. This is the answer to the rise in the number of people experiencing loss of teeth due to aging. This task becomes even more challenging when a person has more teeth missing. Consequently, continued research in the development of innovative treatment and diagnostic tools has made predictable success a reality in the face of numerous challenging dental situations. This is seen as a blessing because of the serious consequences of tooth loss especially among the elderly people that have a high likelihood of missing teeth.

The Unseen effects of tooth loss

Although it is obvious that missing teeth affects your overall appeal, this may in turn have social and psychological consequences that are profound. That is, it is more than just the unsightly gaps as loss of teeth can affect health, function, facial aesthetics and just about everything.

Loss of Bone Density

The loss of teeth is not just about teeth but all about the bone that requires to be stimulated in order to maintain its density and form. For instance, the alveolar, which supports teeth, gets its stimulation from the teeth. As your teeth make fleeting contacts during the day, the small stresses that come out of it are transmitted through the periodontal ligament that suspends teeth in their socket causing the bone to continually rebuild and remodel.

Thus, in the case of tooth loss, the absence of teeth essentially translates to the loss of alveolar bone owing to the lack of stimulation. This loss affects the height, width as well as bone volume. Generally, a percentage decrease of the width that is recorded during the first year may be up to 25% with an overall loss in height of up to 4 millimeters.

Decrease in Gum Tissue

As the loss of bone height and width progresses, the gum tissue decreases gradually effectively impairing the ability to speak and chew. Thus, the more teeth you lose the more this function is lost. This causes serious functional and aesthetic problems especially in people who are toothless.

This does not end there because when the alveolar bone is lost, the basal bone that is beneath it, also referred to as the jawbone proper will begin to melt away. The effect of this is that the distance from the chin to the nose will decrease while the lower third of the face will undergo partial collapse. Consequently, the chin will rotate upward and forward as the cheeks have lost support effectively becoming hollow. Extreme cases of loss of bone can also result in being disposed to jaw fractures. A bite collapse may occur where the back teeth that support the height that is the vertical dimension of the face are missing. The result of this is that the front teeth will be pushed or squashed forward.

Ingenuity at its best

Tooth replacement is the ultimate solution to debilitating bone loss. However, this is dictated by the number of teeth lost. For instance, a single missing tooth can be replaced through a dental implant that replaces the root on which a dental crown is then attached. The implant is made from pure titanium and has a biocompatible property allowing it to osseointegrate with the jawbone.

A crown attaches to the implant that feels, looks and functions like a normal tooth. In the event that the dental crown needs removal or replacement, it can be removed ensuring that the implant is not damaged or compromised. Dental implants offer numerous health advantages that include decreased risk of gum diseases and no risk of decay. The risk of abutment tooth decay, endodontic failure will be reduced while aesthetics will improve. There are significant psychological advantages as well.

Replacing multiple teeth

About 30 million Americans have had their arch of teeth missing. While this rate is on a gradual decrease, the increase in the elderly population is rapid; thus, it is expected that the number of adults that will require complete dentures will rise to 37.9 million by 2020.

Implant dentists recommend implants because they may be used to support tooth bridges without need for a full arch or abutment teeth that rely on the support of the underlying bone and gums. Implants prevent an accelerated decrease in jawbone and alveolar loss compared to removable dentures.

Besides, dentures also reduce the function to a sixth of the level that was experienced when you had natural teeth while implants may restore function close to normal limits. A removable partial denture or a fixed tooth bridge is more stable compared to a denture relying on soft tissues for support. Removable dentures usually affect the ability to chew. This is backed by studies that show 29% of people who wear dentures eat mashed or soft foods only, 50% avoid most of the foods and 17% claim they eat efficiently without dentures. Those wearing dentures avoid fruits and vegetables and this can result in digestive tract problems, poor nutrition and shortened life expectancy.

How Implants stop Bone Loss

Dental implants are integrated and fused in your jawbone to serve as an anchor to support teeth as well as for better preventive maintenance procedure. Missing teeth is the primary reason for considering dental implants. Since bones require stimulation for them to stay healthy, implant supported teeth promote normal functioning of the jaw including muscles, nerves and jaw joints. Furthermore, they fuse in the bone stimulating and stabilizing it thereby maintaining density and dimension. As such, dental implants offer improved functions, bone preservation, increased longevity, enhanced psychological wellbeing and dental restoration.

If you are suffering from the after effects of losing a teeth and are considering tooth implants, make an appointment with our friendly Smile Team at Joshua Hong DDS in Goodyear AZ and know more the various options and treatment procedures you can choose from.