Did You Know These Amazing Foods Could Help Improve Your Oral Health? Dig in!

June 17, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Oral Health — tntadmin @ 10:12 am

When oral health is at stake, the most common suggestions we come across are the don’ts, especially the ones related to foods. But what if you find crunchy, delicious and naturally sweet food options to maintain good oral health? Well, below is a compilation of some of the best foods for oral health.

Farm Fresh

The list of health benefits of various vegetables and fruits is endless. Well, you might be surprised to know that they score high when it comes to maintaining good oral health also. Let’s see how –

  • Vegetables such as kale, spinach and other green leafy vegetables are packed with calcium, fiber and all things good. Use them in soups, as toppings or even in your smoothies to maintain healthy pearly whites.
  • Also, soups which are broth based make for perfect relief-providing foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal. Go ahead and enjoy a bowl of warm tomato or cream of celery soup and feel your teeth flexing muscles happily!
  • Vegetables like carrots and celery are both great sources of vitamin A. Celery also contains vitamin C. Both these vitamins act as antioxidants and help boost the health of your gums.
  • Choose dried grapes – raisins. They are a good source of phytochemicals which may help in fighting the cavities and gum-disease causing bacteria.
  • Fruits such as apples and cranberries are also clear winners when it comes to healthy teeth. Eating apples leads to production of saliva which washes away residual food particles and bacteria, while its fibrous texture stimulates the gums. Cranberries contain polyphenols which may help in keeping plaque from sticking to teeth, thereby lowering the risk of cavity formation.

Dose of Dairy Goodness  
Most of the dairy products help lower the level of bacteria in your mouth. Also, cheese and yogurt are some of the most recommended dairy foods after oral surgery. Both of these are rich in calcium and protein which help in strengthening tooth enamel. The ‘good bacteria’ present in yogurt do a world of good to your teeth and gums. And, its smooth texture along with light consistency makes yogurt an ideal food to eat after wisdom tooth removal. Just ensure that you stick to a plain sugar-free yogurt. Invent delicious ways to include some of this dairy goodness in your diet.

Lean is in
When it comes to healthy food choices for oral health, lean proteins will always rule all the trends. Yes! White meat, dark meat without skin, fish, low-fat dairy products, quinoa –a low-fat grain plus a complete protein, milk, eggs, beans and legumes etc., are all great sources of lean protein. They are rich in phosphorous which contribute to the strength of your teeth.

Nuts about Nuts
Nuts such as almonds and cashews are powerhouses of proteins and minerals. They also have low carbohydrate content which means, they don’t increase the risk of cavities. The omega-3 fatty acids in nuts strengthen your teeth and help keep the gum tissue healthy. What’s more? The chewing action stimulates the production of saliva, which also contributes towards protecting your teeth from the possibility of decay.

Make an appointment with our friendly Smile Team at Joshua Hong DDS in Goodyear, AZ and know more about eating right for a healthy smile. And, follow your food love!

Planning for Oral Sedation Dentistry: What to Tell Your Dentist

June 6, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Sedative and Pain Free Dentistry — tntadmin @ 11:38 am

A lot of people feel anxiety, worry or even pure terror before a dental appointment, even if they’re just going in for teeth cleaning. Some are so afraid that they avoid checkups even when they have tooth or gum problems, which get worse if they’re neglected. Sedation dentistry is a common solution for dealing with dental anxiety.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

In sedation dentistry, medication is used to help anxious patients relax and feel at ease during a dental procedure. It’s also known as “sleep dentistry”, but doesn’t always involve general anesthesia. The level of sedation depends upon the severity of your fear as well as how invasive the dental procedure will be.

Sedation levels include:

  1. Minimal sedation, where you’re awake but feel relaxed.
  2. Moderate sedation, where you’re conscious but may not remember much of the procedure, and speech may be slurred.
  3. Deep sedation, where you’re barely conscious. You may even fall asleep but the dentist can wake you with a gentle shake.
  4. General anesthesia, where you’re completely unconscious and will not awaken until the medication wears off.

Your dentist may use one of these types of sedation:

  1. Inhaled sedation, where you breathe in nitrous oxide or “laughing gas”.
  2. Oral sedation, where you take a pill about an hour before the procedure to help you feel relaxed or drowsy.
  3. IV sedation, where medication is injected into your veins and controlled by the dentist.

Oral sedation is the most common choice, and can be used for minimal to moderate sedation. It’s generally combined with a local anesthetic to prevent pain or discomfort.

What to Let Your Dentist Know before Oral Sedation Dentistry

While oral sedation dentistry is safe, you need to provide your dentist with a complete health history in advance. Here’s what to include:

  • Any past and current medical issues and treatment you’ve received, including prescription medication.
  • Over-the-counter, herbal or alternative medications/supplements/remedies you’re taking. These may react with oral sedatives, so give your dentist a full list.
  • What you’ve eaten in the last few days. This may seem unimportant, but certain foods such as grapefruit can interfere with the medication.
  • Lifestyle factors such as smoking or alcohol consumption, which can also affect the absorption of medication used for oral sedation dentistry.

Ensuring Your Safety and Planning for Your Dental Appointment

Here are some additional tips to remember if you’ve decided on oral sedation:

  • Be clear about your medical history, especially problems like diabetes, so medication and aftercare can be customized accordingly.
  • Unless your dentist tells you otherwise, avoid eating or drinking for at least 6 hours before your dental appointment.
  • Don’t eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice for 72 hours before and after oral sedation dentistry.
  • Get someone to drive you to and from the clinic, and avoid operating heavy machinery or driving till the sedative wears off.
  • Take the day off from work if you’re getting oral sedation, or at least half a day after a quick procedure.
  • If your dentist suggests it, take oral sedation medication the night before to make sure you’re well-rested.

If you have any questions about oral sedation dentistry or other methods of dealing with dental anxiety, contact the team at Joshua Hong DDS in Goodyear, AZ now!